International Day of Charity – 5th September 2024 | History | Download Images, Quotes, Wishes, Pictures, and Status

It is originally an initiative of Hungarian civil society to commemorate the death of Mother Teresa. On 5th September 2012, International Day of Charity took off worldwide and that’s the time when United Nations declared it an international holiday. This holiday provides a platform for charitable opportunities in addition to honoring Mother Teresa's tireless work to help others in overcoming poverty and suffering. There are many ways to get involved even if you can't make a financial donation on this day. Overall, this day reminds us that simple charity can mitigate the worst effects of humanitarian crises and create more inclusive and resilient societies.


Mother Teresa is remembered as a woman of great faith and incomparable charitable gift who died in 1997 after 45 years of her charitable service. Indeed, she bequeathed such a legacy that the Hungarian Parliament and Government instituted International Day of Charity in her honor in 2011. In order to commemorate her life through her civil service initiative, they chose 5th September as the anniversary of her death.

The United Nations quickly recovered from this holiday, and in 2012 it spread around the world. It is created by the United Nations in order to recognize the philanthropic work done by all the organizations, including that of Mother Teresa, and to alleviate humanitarian crises and human suffering by highlighting the power of philanthropy. The primary goals identified by the United Nations help guide the charitable foundations in which we must participate: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership. On September 5th, we can honor Mother Teresa's work by experiencing the joy of charitable giving.


Importance of International Day of Charity


1.     It reminds us that we must return the favors

It can be easy to live our lives and our problems and the problems of the world fade away. By drawing our attention, this day shows the injustices of the world around us and what we can do to resolve them. Every charity donation has an impact, no matter how small it is. We just have to find what we can help to solve.


2.     It spreads awareness

Although humanitarian crises are uncomfortable to read and watch, they still exist. International Day of Charity raises awareness of issues that are urgent, shocking, and dear to many.

 3.     It helps us find the causes we believe in

We all have reasons that we feel are more important than others. Some choose to focus on animal rights or environmental well-being, or the elimination of racism. You must use International Day of Charity as your motivation to explore the charity that you find most impactful.


How To Celebrate International Day of Charity


1.     Donate to charities

There are few more impactful ways to support a cause that matters more to you than donating money. With your money, the charity of your choice can make great strides toward your goals, and you can feel good knowing that you helped make them come true. Be sure to do your research about the charity of your choice beforehand.

 2.     Volunteer

Find what fuels their passion, then discover where your time is most valuable to them. Some charities will ask you to clean up nature areas, read books to children, educate people with special needs, the list goes on. Money isn't the only thing charities can use, and also donating your time is often good for you, too.


3.     Attend a charity event

On International Day of Charity, there are countless charitable events to attend especially. If nothing excites you in your area, contact an organization and see if you can host an event of your own. You will meet like-minded people who are interested in the same causes.

International Day of Charity 2024

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International Day of Charity – 5th September 2024 | History | Download Images, Quotes, Wishes, Pictures, and Status International Day of Charity – 5th September 2024 | History | Download Images, Quotes, Wishes, Pictures, and Status Reviewed by Anubhav Jain on May 04, 2022 Rating: 5

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