Happy Republic Day - January 26, 2023 Images, Pictures and HD Wallpapers

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The Republic Day is a national holiday of India, celebrated every year on 26th January. This day celebrates the anniversary of the constitution of India and the transition of India from a British dominion to a republic on 26th January, 1950. 

After getting freedom from the British rule on 15th august 1947, India was headed by king George vi till the constitution of India came into force on 26th January 1950. On this day India is declared as a democratic republic nation. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected as the first president of India.

How Republic Day is Celebrated in India?

Events and celebrations are organized with great effort by the government of India. A huge and grand military parade is held in the New Delhi at rajpath as well as the state capitals. Participants from the Indian army, air force, navy and traditional dance group takes part in the parades.

Parade held in the New Delhi starts especially when prime minister of the India offer garland at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at the India gate. The military salute is taken by the president of India during the parade in the capital whereas military salute is taken by the state governors in the state capitals. At this special day, a foreign head of the state become chief guest of the president.

History or Reason For Celebrating Republic Day India


India got freedom from the British rule on 15th of august in the year 1947. At that time, there was no any permanent constitution of the country. First time, the first draft of the Indian constitution was presented by the drafting committee to the national assembly on 4th of November in the year 1947.

The first draft of the Indian constitution was signed by the national assembly in both version, the English and the Hindi on 24th of January in the year 1950.then the constitution of india came into effect on the republic day means 26th of January in 1950. From then, the 26th of January was started celebrating as the republic day in India. 

At this day, India was declared as the Purna Swaraj country thus it was started celebrating every year as the anniversary of the Purna Swaraj Day. The constitution of India brought the power to the Indian citizens to select their own government. The oath was taken by the Dr. Rajendra Prasad as a first president of the India at durbar hall in the government house. India has big history behind celebrating the republic day.

Importance of Celebrating Republic Day on 26 January


Republic day is the symbol of true spirit for the independent India where military parades, exhibiting military equipment’s, salute to the national flag by the Indian president and variety of events are take place at this day. Indian national flag has horizontally tricolor (upper saffron, middle white and bottom of dark green color divided in the equal proportion) and a wheel (navy blue color, having 24 spokes) in the center representing the Sarnath lion capital of Ashoka.

India is a country having people of different cultures, societies, religions and languages who interplay with each other harmoniously. Independence to the India is the great pride as it was obtained over years after facing a variety of obstacles and hurdles.

The day is celebrated every year to feel the Indian people very proud for living in the multi-cultural and independent country. Republic day is celebrated in very colorful and exhilarating ways in order to make memorable and significant celebration of the year. National anthem is sing by the people participated in the celebration. This celebration brings all the Indian people together at one place and thinks at one topic.


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Happy Republic Day - January 26, 2023 Images, Pictures and HD Wallpapers Happy Republic Day - January 26, 2023 Images, Pictures and HD Wallpapers Reviewed by Abhishek Jain on May 27, 2022 Rating: 5

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